The chronicles of a brown girl in Europe.
Once again I find myself in another corner of Europe. At this rate I’ll have visited the entire continent in a couple of years! Okay, maybe that’s a reach, but a girl can dream. I’ll never be able to express the gratitude that fills my heart at the fact that I get to travel and twice already this year. I remember asking God where he was taking me next after my trip to Istanbul earlier this year and I guess he answered with Greece. I love when a conversation yields positive results! Also it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t give props to my mother who’s the real one living the rockstar always-on-the-go lifestyle and ever so generously allowing me to be her right hand man on occasion.
Anyway this is about Athens. Gorgeous city, as expected, rich in history and culture. It’s not very diverse as far as race goes so you’re regularly reminded that your skin tone is of the darker variety by the stares and “sokoláta” references. The wanderer in me though only cared about my camera in hand in true tourist nature, stylishly roaming the streets with admiring locals in tow. Managed to snap another fan photo. Being the brown girl in a European country comes with fans. Humour me.
Besides the expected language barrier, I find Grecians to be exceptionally friendly people, willing to help when they can with the aid of a series of universal hand gestures. Interestingly enough- to my disappointment as well, I’ve still not mastered the art of packing for my destination. Rather than being pragmatic I’d rather play into my fantasies of what I expect the weather to be like and ignore the realities that Europe is entering fall. As a result of my poor decision making, I got rained on and endured overcast windy chills all while dressed in my summer’s best. I’m currently facing the repercussions with a serving of bed rest and antibiotics. I have bitterly learnt from my mistakes.*
Would I make a return? Definitely, but next time around I’ll be in it for the islands. Santorini, Hydra and the like.
So God, where to next? I’m eagerly waiting with baited breath!
*I will probably make the same mistake on my next trip.
Location: Athens, Greece
Photos by: Lerato Maroleng
Shot on Canon 100D with 18-55 mm lens
Riaan Visser
18th Oct 2017 at 3:01 pm24